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Dirección e Invitados

William Valencia Festival Guaranda
Catherine Randa Guaranda
William Vergara Festival GuarandaGuaranda
David Ludwing Curtis festival Guaranda
Joseph Conyers festival Guaranda


Brett Deubner viola festival Guaranda
Jorge Gonzalez violin festival Guaranda
Bella Hristova violin festival Guaranda
Aldo Mata cello festival Guaranda
Marcos Machado contrabajo festival Guaranda
Profesores 20206-01.png
WhatsApp Image 2020-05-19 at 5.10.01 PM

Vientos Maderas 

Jesus Catro flauta Guaranda
Profesores 2020 faluta online
Margaret Marcos oboe festival Guaranda
Alexis Fong Clarinete Guaranda
Profesores 2020 fagot online
Profesores 2020 saxo online
Profesores 20202 oboe online
WhatsApp Image 2020-05-08 at 8.30.11 PM.
Stanislav Golovin Festival Guaranda

Vientos Brass y Percusión 

Andrew McAnsh trompeta festival Guaranda
Profesores 2020 corno frances online
Profesores 2020 percusion online
WhatsApp Image 2020-05-05 at 6.09.25 PM.
WhatsApp Image 2020-05-06 at 7.40.15 PM
Captura de Pantalla 2020-05-10 a la(s) 1
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