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Dr. Jesús Castro

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Coordinación FIMGU Colombia / Flauta. Coordination FIMGU
Colombia / Flauta

Doctor en Artes Musicales en Interpretación de la Flauta graduado de la Universidad del Sur de Mississippi, USA. Castro, según Colciencias, posee un alto perfil investigativo al ser categorizado como Investigador Junior. Adicionalmente, Jesús es Flautista Profesional con trayectoria internacional en países como Los Estados Unidos, Perú y Ecuador. Castro es ganador de competencias de música nacionales e internacionales entre las que se encuentran The University of Southern Mississippi 2010-2011 Band Soloists Competition, 2011-2012, USM William T. Gower Orchestra Soloists Competition, and Second place in the MTNA Young Artist Woodwind State Division Competition, Graduate Musician of the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 y Most Valuable Wind Player 2012-2013 by the University of Southern Mississippi Symphony Orchestra.

Cuenta con una amplia trayectoria con más de 10 años de experiencia como solista de flauta, flautista orquestal, de banda, y de música de cámara. Su experiencia administrativa lo desenvuelve como Director General de la Fundación Musical Artística Camerata Ibagué con experiencia en desarrollo de proyectos culturales y de gestión educativa entre los que se encuentran Ibagué Music Festival 2015 y 2016, Intercambios Culturales con universidades entre las que se encuentran State University of New York y Tennessee State University, y entidades como Festival Internacional de Música Guaranda. Castro es uno de los Colombianos becados por el Ministerio Nacional de Cultura en su Programa Nacional de Estímulos 2015 “Becas Para Colombianos en Procesos de Formación Artística y Cultural en el Exterior.” Actualmente es Profesor del
Programa de Música de la Universidad de Pamplona, Profesor de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, y Director de la Revista Presencias Saberes y Expresiones de la Facultad de Artes y Humanidades de la Universidad de Pamplona.


Doctor of Musical Arts in Flute Interpretation graduated from the University of South Mississippi, USA. Castro, according to Colciencias, has a high investigative profile as he is categorized as a Junior Investigator. Additionally, Jesús is a Professional Flutist with international experience in countries such as the United States, Peru and Ecuador. Castro is the winner of national and international music competitions including The University of Southern Mississippi 2010-2011 Band Soloists Competition, 2011-2012 USM William T. Gower Orchestra Soloists Competition, and Second place in the MTNA Young Artist Woodwind State Division Competition, Graduate Musician of the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013, and Most Valuable Wind Player 2012-2013 by the University of Southern Mississippi Symphony Orchestra.

He has a long history with more than 10 years of experience as a solo flutist, and orchestral, band, and chamber music flutist. As for his administrative experience, he is the General Director of the Artistic Musical Foundation Camerata Ibagué with experience in the development of cultural projects and educational management among which are Ibagué Music Festival 2015 and 2016, Cultural Exchanges with universities such as State University of New York and Tennessee State University, and entities such as the International Music Festival Guaranda. Castro is one of the Colombians who got awarded a scholarship by the National Department of Culture in its 2015 National Stimulus Program "Scholarships for Colombians in Processes of Artistic and Cultural Training Abroad." Currently, he is the Professor of the Music Program of the University of Pamplona, ​​Professor of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, and Director of the Presencias Saberes y Expresiones Magazine of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Pamplona.

+57 318 5309998

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